Singer Lauds Cannabis Decriminalization to Address Social Justice Concerns

As senators in Trenton debate revisions to the state's medical marijuana program, Senator Robert Singer sends the bill back to the floor in hopes of removing a provision that would charge sales tax. The initiative failed and Singer, along with other senators, voted for the bill, saying the changes will help many people, even if it's not perfect.

Singer Lauds Cannabis Decriminalization to Address Social Justice Concerns

Also Renews Call for Resolution Urging FDA to Set Guidelines for Safe Levels of CBD

Senator Robert Singer today called the decriminalization of small amounts of marijuana a sensible path for social justice and welcomed word that the governor and Democrat leaders are now supporting decriminalization.

“There’s no need to arrest people and lock them up for personal-use cannabis,” said Singer (R-30). “It’s a failed strategy that has ruined lives, filled our prisons, and bogged down our courts. It is time to end this unnecessary and unfair practice.”

Singer and Democrat Senator Ron Rice sponsor legislation (S1926) that would decriminalize the possession of 10 grams or less of marijuana.

“Decriminalization in New Jersey will address much of the social injustice arising from arrests for the possession of small amounts of marijuana,” said Singer. “I still think legalization is a step too far with so many concerns related to the impact of marijuana on children, public health, urban communities, and the safety of our roads.”

While the governor and some legislators in Trenton would prefer legalizing marijuana, Singer noted that without the votes to pass it in the State House, they now intend to seek voter approval with a constitutional amendment.

“I am firmly opposed to legalization, but if it happens we need clear direction from the FDA on safe levels of marijuana and cannabidiol (CBD),” Singer said. “We need to understand how much is safe for a person, and at what point it becomes unhealthy and dangerous.”

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) this week issued warnings about the danger of using products containing cannabidiol. CBD is a chemical prevalent in marijuana and hemp. Unlike tetrahydrocannabidiol (THC), cannabidiol does not cause a person to feel “high.”

“New Jerseyans shouldn’t waste their money on products that could make them sick and are deceptively marketed,” Singer said. “Consumers have the right to know what is in the creams and ointments, and how much CBD is too much.”

The FDA cautioned consumers Monday, stating:  “CBD has the potential to harm you, and harm can happen even before you become aware of it.”

“The Legislature should urge the federal government to get their ducks in a row to validate the effectiveness, safety, and honest benefits of this so-called ‘wonder supplement’,” added Singer, the sponsor of a bipartisan resolution (SR-163) calling on the President and Congress of the United States to establish a safe daily recommendation of consumption of cannabidiol.

“I will continue to advocate for smart and sensible CBD guidelines to protect the health and safety of Garden State residents.”

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