Singer Measure Establishing Rules for Mold Removal in Schools and Apartments Advances

State Senator Robert Singer, a veteran lawmaker from Ocean County, wants to be removed from the select legislative committee formed by Senate President Steve Sweeney to examine the NJ Economic Development Authority (NJEDA).
Singer Measure Establishing Rules for Mold Removal in Schools and Apartments Advances

Senator Robert Singer sponsors legislation to establish statewide standards for mold remediation work that has been passed by the Senate.

Singer’s bill (S2897) would build on industry standards and guidelines from the U.S. Environmental Protections Agency to create consistent procedures for mold work – from inspection to identification to abatement – in schools and apartment buildings.

“Our children shouldn’t have to spend the school day in mold-infested classrooms or their nights in apartments where mold spores make the air unsafe to breathe,” said Singer (R-30). “The presence of mold in our schools and homes is a danger we cannot ignore, and to identify and eliminate it requires trained and knowledgeable experts and standardized practices.”

The measure would require the Department of Community Affairs to formulate procedures for mold inspection and removal, and create certification programs for inspectors and abatement workers.

“The EPA has developed comprehensive standards for combating this hazard. It’s time for New Jersey to finally follow suit,” added Singer. “With uniform procedures and guidelines, we will protect generations of New Jersey families from illness related to toxic mold.”

report published by the Asbury Park Press last year related the fears of Ocean County families coping with the threat of black mold leaching through ceiling tiles and putting children at risk.

A 2004 study performed by the Institute of Medicine found that even healthy people could develop serious respiratory conditions from mold exposure.

The legislation requires that a contractor must be certified in order to represent themselves to the public as an “expert” in mold hazard and abatement.

“The CDC guidelines are clear. When it comes to mold, if you can see it or smell it, remove it immediately,” Singer said. “Living here in the most densely populated state in the nation, New Jersey families already face significant air quality issues. They shouldn’t have to worry about mold, too.”

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