Singer/Singleton Legislation Gives Back to Military Men and Women

State Senator Robert Singer, a veteran lawmaker from Ocean County, wants to be removed from the select legislative committee formed by Senate President Steve Sweeney to examine the NJ Economic Development Authority (NJEDA).

Singer/Singleton Legislation Gives Back to Military Men and Women

Pro Bono Program Would Provide Legal Help at No Cost

Legislation sponsored by Senator Robert Singer and Senator Troy Singleton would provide legal help at no cost to service members and veterans. The Senate Military and Veterans’ Affairs Committee approved the bill today.

“The men and women who put on the uniform every day and risk their lives to protect our freedoms shouldn’t lose sleep worrying about how to pay for legal representation in civil law cases,” said Singer (R-30). “These courageous individuals never hesitate when they are called to serve. This is a well-earned benefit that will be provided by attorneys volunteering their time.”

Under the bill (S-60), entitled the Military Pro Bono Program, active duty service members and veterans could have free representation in civil cases including family law, estate planning, immigration law, employment law, debtor-creditor law and military administrative law.

“Our veterans and their families have been asked to make countless sacrifices for the safety and security of our country. Certainly, any assistance we can provide to them is a token of our gratitude for all the time they and their families put the country first over their own self interests,” said Singleton (D-Burlington).

The new program would expand on the New Jersey State Bar Association’s efforts to provide pro bono work for some certain military personnel.

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