Singh Carries Atlantic
Linwood, NJ — South Jersey engineer and successful businessman Hirsh Singh has won the Atlantic County Republican Convention and has now won half of the county conventions representing over half of the Primary vote.
“Atlantic County is my home and winning here is the highest honor I could receive in this Primary season,” Singh said. “I will work as hard as I can to win this race and partner with the Atlantic County Republican Party to sweep our local candidates to victory.”
Singh won with broad support across the County including a unanimous vote from his hometown, Linwood, as well as strong support from from Egg Harbor Township, Galloway, and Hamilton -- three of the larger communities in the County.
“Our Party is unifying around our candidacy because Republicans are seeing that we offer the strongest and best path to victory in November,” Singh said. “The threat posed by the Democrat Party to the strength and integrity of our economy is a real danger that must be defeated.”
Singh said that he worked hard to meet with as many delegates as possible before the vote — both by phone and by visiting them door-to-door.
Following Singh’s victory, Atlantic County Republican Committee Chairman Keith Davis said that he was excited to see a native son of Atlantic County carry the convention and looks forward to working closely with Singh to carry county and municipal candidates to victory as well.
“Hirsh impressed this convention last year and has proven to be a rising star and an effective campaigner,” Davis said. “I know he’ll run a strong campaign, take the fight directly to whoever the Democrats nominate, and defeat him in November.”