Singh Stands with PSEG for Energy Diversity
Well-Being of New Jersey's Energy Supply is at Stake
Linwood, NJ -- Appearing with PSEG employees at the Statehouse, Republican Congressional candidate Hirsh Singh, (NJ-02), today voiced his support for PSEG's plan to preserve nuclear power generating plants in South Jersey.
"An all of the above, diverse energy supply system is critical to ensuring energy independence nationally as well as safe, consistent, and reliable energy for all South Jerseyeans," Singh said.
Singh added that the continued operation of the Salem and Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Stations in Lower Alloways Creek are essential for the local economy and for South Jersey families.
"It would be fundamentally unsound energy policy to 'put all our eggs in one basket' and become too dependent on natural gas or coal or solar power or any other single source of electric power," Singh said. "Nuclear is and must continue to be a key component of our energy supply system -- now and into the future."