Singleton Bill to Make National Guard Members Eligible for Certain Veterans’ Benefits Signed into Law

Singleton Bill to Make National Guard Members Eligible for Certain Veterans’ Benefits Signed into Law


Trenton – Legislation sponsored by Senator Troy Singleton, which will make New Jersey National Guard members who have been issued an NGB-22 form eligible for certain veterans’ benefits, was signed into law by Governor Phil Murphy today.


The law will allow members of New Jersey National Guard with an NGB-22 form to receive certain benefits designated for veterans.  Under the bill, a member of the New Jersey National Guard with an NGB-22 would be eligible for a veteran identification card and the display of veteran status on a driver’s licenses.


“In addition to its domestic service, the National Guard has seen its mission expand to defending our country’s interests around the world,” said Senator Singleton (D-Burlington).  “This law ensures that there is no delineation in that service when it comes to veteran benefits earned by National guardsmen and women.”


The NGB-22 form is a National Guard discharge document similar to a DD-214 form issued to veterans of the United States Armed Forces. Current law exempts certificates of honorable discharge from the reserves or the organized militia from access as a public record, but only the DD-214 is specifically mentioned. S-2538, now law, clarifies that an NGB-22 form is also exempt from access as a public record.

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