Singleton Sends Letter To Acting Labor Secretary Pizella: 'Extreme Disappointment And Disgust' Over DOL Workplace Discrimination Proposal

Trenton – In response to the Trump Administration’s recently proposed rule to allow businesses with federal government contracts to hire people based on religious values, Senator Troy Singleton today stated his strong opposition to this justification of workplace discrimination. His letter to Acting Labor Secretary Patrick Pizella is below:
August 15, 2019
U.S. Department of Labor
Acting Secretary of Labor Patrick Pizzella
Office S-2521
200 Constitution Ave NW
Washington, DC 20210
Dear Acting Secretary Pizzella,
As the State Senator of the 7th Legislative District in New Jersey, I am writing to you to express my extreme disappointment and disgust with the U.S. Department of Labor’s recently proposed rule which would allow businesses with government contracts to hire people based on religious values.
Essentially, the very agency charged with protecting the rights of workers is looking to justify employment discrimination against those workers who are LGBTQ or who are pregnant and unmarried. The irony of this is not lost on those of us who are steadfast in our commitment to uphold the civil rights of all Americans, regardless of their sexual orientation or marital status.
You state that you are protecting the “civil rights of religious employers” so that they have a “clear understanding of their obligations and protections under the law.” Yet, by removing the fear of sanctions by the federal government, you are endorsing and validating workplace discrimination and completely disregarding the civil rights of these workers. While I fully support the freedom of religion, it should not be used as a cloak to discriminate against our fellow Americans.
Simply put, I will not stand by silently and allow our federal government to codify discrimination against any American. To that end, I am introducing a Senate Resolution in the New Jersey Legislature that will state my firm opposition against your actions.
For the sake of decency, I would strongly encourage you to reconsider this proposed rule.
Most sincerely,
Hon. Troy Singleton
Senator, 7th Legislative District
cc: Governor Phil Murphy
Attorney General Gurbir Grewal
U.S. Senator Bob Menendez
U.S. Senator Cory Booker
Congressman Andy Kim