Sires Joins Colleagues Urging Congress to Request Trump’s Tax Returns

Congressman Sires Joins Colleagues Urging Congress to Request Trump’s Tax Returns

(Washington, D.C.) – This week, Congressman Sires joined over 160 members of Congress calling on the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee and the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee to request the access to President Trump’s tax returns. Additionally, Congressman Sires became an original cosponsor of the Strengthening Investigations into Foreign Entanglements Act.

“The President’s refusal to release his tax returns should be a wakeup call to all Americans,” said Congressman Sires. “We cannot afford to keep the American people in the dark about potential conflicts of interest within the White House; it is time to shine a light on the President’s personal financial interests.”

In the letter, Congressman Sires expresses his disapproval of President Trump breaking with 40 years of precedent by failing to make his tax returns public. The letter cites the authority of the Chairmen of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Senate Finance Committee, and the House Committee on Ways and Means to request copies of President Trump’s tax returns under Section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code. Text of the full letter can be found here.

Congressman Sires also joined Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) this week in introducing H.R. 1356, the Strengthening Investigations into Foreign Entanglements Act. H.R. 1356 would give congressional intelligence committees the authority needed to acquire tax returns, including those of President Trump and of future presidential candidates.

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