Social Security Works PAC Endorses Tom Malinowski

Social Security Works PAC Endorses Tom Malinowski
Social Security Works PAC (SSW) has endorsed Tom Malinowski for New Jersey’s 7th Congressional District. SSW is dedicated to maintaining Social Security as a vehicle for social justice and as an economic safeguard for all Americans. The organization released the following statement:
“Rep. Leonard Lance (R-NJ) wants to raise the Social Security retirement age, also known as cutting your earned benefits. Social Security Works PAC is proud to endorse Lance's opponent, Tom Malinowski, who will fight to protect and expand Social Security benefits - NOT cut them.”
“I am grateful to have Social Security Work PAC’s support,” said Tom Malinowski. “I will continue to fight so Americans of all ages can retire with dignity after a lifetime of hard work.”
In a recent debate hosted by the Gateway Regional Chamber of Commerce, Lance touted his support for raising the retirement age for the youngest working Americans. Social Security and Medicare have both been targeted recently for cuts to pay for the Republican tax overhaul.
“Our youngest taxpayers shouldn’t be punished in retirement for the mistakes we are making today,” continues Malinowski. “Congressman Lance wants to rob millennials to pay for his party’s corporate tax cuts. We can’t allow that to happen.”
This Friday, John Bowman, President of Social Security Works will be joining Malinowski for a forum with seniors in Clark, NJ. Interested press should inquire with the campaign for details.