Socialist Workers Party running Joanne Kuniansky and Lea Sherman for U.S. Congress in New Jersey Districts 8 and 9

Joanne Kuniansky

Socialist Workers Party running Joanne Kuniansky and

Lea Sherman for U.S. Congress in New Jersey Districts 8 and 9

Socialist Workers Party candidates demand

Defend the independence of Ukraine!

Moscow troops out now!

The Socialist Workers Party demands Moscow pull its tanks and troops out of Ukraine immediately. Its invasion and bombardment of Ukraine is a violation of its sovereignty and a blow to the interests of all working people — here, in Ukraine, Russia and worldwide.

Since the Bolshevik revolution broke apart the Czarist prison house of nations in 1917, the communist movement has backed the right of Ukraine and all nations to self-determination and independence.

The SWP also demands Washington keep its military might out of the region. The U.S. capitalist rulers are not interested in Ukraine independence, but in their own imperialist interests in the region and in weakening Russian competition.

The aspirations of Ukrainian workers and farmers can best be defended by their own mobilization and action — as they did in the Maidan revolution in 2014 — and solidarity from working people worldwide, including in Russia.

“The Socialist Workers Party will join with all those opposing Moscow’s threats to Ukraine’s sovereignty,” said Joanne Kuniansky, “this war is a sharp danger to the working people of Ukraine, across Europe, in Russia and in the U.S.”

“U.S. troops are in Europe solely to advance the interests of the dog-eat-dog capitalist rulers in the U.S. and are a threat to peace and the working class everywhere,” said Lea Sherman, “Washington’s sanctions serve the interests of the same capitalist class attacking workers and farmers here at home.”

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