Somerset County Economic Development Manager Appointed to Board of International Economic Development Council
Somerset County Economic Development Manager Appointed to Board of International Economic Development Council
SOMERSET COUNTY, NJ – Jessica Paolini, Somerset County’s Manager of Economic Development, has been reappointed to the Board of Directors of the prestigious International Economic Development Council (IEDC), the largest professional organization in the world for economic developers.
Ms. Paolini, a PhD candidate in Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University, is currently the only IEDC board member from New Jersey. Prior to leading Economic Development for Somerset County, she held economic development positions at Middlesex County, Rutgers University, and Choose New Jersey. Through her dissertation, she is studying the impact of climate change on economic developers on the U.S. East Coast.
At Somerset County Ms. Paolini is focused on bolstering the region’s reputation as a hub for life sciences, advanced manufacturing, personal care products, and agriculture. In 2023, she helped organize the state’s first ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) workshop convened by a county government, and Influencing Agriculture, a conference dedicated to helping farmers succeed.
The IEDC conducts research on best practices, hosts conferences and webinars, manages a professional certification program, and is the organizer of Economic Development Week, held annually in May. New Jersey counties and municipalities can access IEDC case studies on economic development best practices at no cost – covering talent attraction, workforce partnerships, and more – at
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