Somerset County Freeholder Shanel Robinson Stands in Solidarity with Congresswomen Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressely

Following President Trump’s tweets on July 14th, Somerset County Freeholder and Vice Chair of the Somerset County Democratic Committee Black Caucus Shanel Robinson released the following statement on behalf of the Somerset County Democratic Committee Black Caucus, Hispanic Caucus, Asian-American Caucus, LGBT Caucus, and Somerset County Federation of Women:
“We proudly stand in solidarity with Congresswomen Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressely, who were the targets of a vicious, racist rhetorical attack from the President of the United States.
“Along with my fellow Somerset County Freeholders, I took the ‘Stand Up for Others Pledge’ this May. I am not only committed to the pledge, but to living my life by it.
“Throughout his presidency, many of us have been outraged at the bigoted remarks and policies President Trump made and advocated for, including but not limited to the Muslim Ban and dehumanizing immigration policies. We cannot let him destroy the America we love by trying to send people away when they speak out for their rights as American citizens.
“Sadly, here we are again spending energy and time with his hatred infused and racist statements. We are taking time away from serving our communities as loyal Americans, elected officials, and volunteer leaders to condemn the hateful rhetoric President Trump is trying to normalize..
It’s time for elected officials, especially the Republicans, to stand up, speak up and speak out for what’s right and against what’s wrong. If you say and do nothing you are condoning this behavior. When will the Republican leadership put people before party and stand up for the principles of inclusion and respect.
“It is our duty – whether Democrat, Republican or independent -- to show that bigotry, hatred, and racism -- in any form -- have no place in our community or in our country. Our strength lies in our ability to continue to fight for the values on which our country was founded. It becomes important, now more than ever, to fight back with focus, determination, and solidarity.
“I am proud to join the Somerset County Democratic Committee Black Caucus, Hispanic Caucus, Asian-American Caucus, LGBT Caucus, and the Somerset County Federation of Democratic Women in their condemnation of the President’s racist remarks.
“Stand UP Somerset County, we’re better than this!