Somerset and Essex Democratic Parties Announce Support for Linda Weber in CD7

Somerset and Essex Democratic Parties Announce Support for Linda Weber in CD7
Somerville, NJ – Somerset County and Essex County Democratic Chairs Peg Schaffer and LeRoy J. Jones announced today they are awarding Berkeley Heights banker Linda Weber their county lines in the 7th Congressional district primary on June 5, 2018.
“We have a lot of great candidates this year, but I am thrilled our Executive Committee voted to support Linda Weber in the primary,” said Schaffer. “As a banker and businesswoman, community leader, and parent she understands the 7th district and is the best candidate to win in November.”
The 7th Congressional district is made up of parts of six counties, with Somerset County representing the largest number of Democratic voters.   Essex County became part of the 7th after redistricting in 2011, with Milburn joining at that time.
“I spoke to the Milburn Democratic leadership and we agree Linda stands out as the most qualified candidate in a talented but crowded field,” said Jones. “Essex County is pleased to back her in our effort to turn the 7th district blue and take back the House of Representatives.”
Traditionally the Somerset County Democratic line is given at a convention at the end of March, but because of the unique environment in 2018 the party’s leadership decided to move the process up. Each candidate was provided with names and contact information of the chairs and county committee members for outreach, and many met individually and in forums with municipal committees.
Additionally, the Somerset County Democrats and the Somerset Federation of Democratic Women held a public forum with all seven candidates, and promoted videos of forums in other counties. All municipal chairs asked their committee members to vote, and brought the results to the Executive Committee on January 25th in Somerville.  After going over the results, Schaffer asked for a vote on giving Weber the line and it passed with no opposition.
“This has been the most intensive effort to ensure our county committee got to know every candidate, and could make an informed choice on who they preferred,” said Schaffer. “I am pleased with the extra effort we took this year to get to know the candidates, and that it resulted in such an excellent candidate as Linda Weber.”
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