Somerset GOP Calls on Shanel Robinson to Release All Emails on Statue Project


Somerset GOP Calls on Shanel Robinson to Release All Emails

on Statue Project

GOP criticizes lack of transparency; Calls for Open Public Meetings Act Investigation into

Deputy Mayor Robinson’s email traffic with colleagues

For Immediate Release

Contact: 908.725.3380

Somerville, September 18, 2018 – Somerset County Republican Chairman Al Gaburo called on Franklin Township Deputy Mayor Robinson to publicly release all of the emails exchanged between herself and Councilman Rajiv Prasad regarding a highly-controversial plan to create a monument park in the township.

The issue gained widespread public attention following an explosive story in The Franklin Reporter exposing the secret email traffic and staggering lack of transparency.

“It is deeply troubling to me that someone who is running for county office touting transparency in government appears to be engaged in activity that appears to be a clear violation of the State’s Sunshine Law, and worst of all, a violation of the public trust. That is why today I am calling on Deputy Mayor Robinson and Franklin Township to publicly release all of her emails related to the statue project.  The Franklin Reporter story exposes a local government that appears to brazenly operate in what amounts to a cyber-backroom, out of the view of taxpayers.  Deputy Mayor Robinson has an obligation to come clean about her involvement in these discussions and answer for why she refuses to denounce Councilman Prasad and his actions,” said Chairman Al Gaburo.

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