Wednesday, June 5, 2024
For Immediate Release

Somerville, NJ–Somerset County Republicans have spoken loudly and clearly in the 2024 Primary Election. Thanks to excellent campaigns by the candidates above us on the ballot, Curtis Bashaw, Tom Kean, and Darius Mayfield, spirited primaries in Manville, Warren, and North Plainfield, and record engagement by you, the county committee, at least 15,434 ballots were cast in the Republican Primary in Somerset County.

SCRO candidates for Manville Borough Council, Warren Township Committee, and North Plainfield Mayor scored resounding victories, as did the SCRO-endorsed candidates for County Committee. Even stronger were the performances for our top-shelf candidates for federal office. Our hardworking Congressman Tom Kean earned 80% of the vote in our county. Curtis Bashaw is a transformational candidate and Somerset County is excited about his candidacy: at 63.57% of the vote, Somerset County was Curtis’ fourth best county in the state, behind Cape May, Cumberland, and Camden. Bob Menendez declaring an Independent candidacy for the general election has created the perfect storm to elect a Republican to the U.S. Senate for the first time in 52 years. We look forward to working with our incredible candidates up and down the ballot to ensure success for the entire Republican team, especially Nick Cuozzo and Rocky Ganta, in 2024.

Please join the SCRO as we elect our Chairman and Executive Board at our Reorganization Meeting on Tuesday, June 18 at Bradley Gardens Firehouse. Doors open at 6:30 and the meeting will begin at 7 pm. See below for the official notice. A hard copy has been mailed to the houses of all County Committee candidates as well. Please ONLY attend the Reorg if you have been ELECTED to County Committee as there is limited space. Win or lose, you will always be welcome at all future SCRO events.

Thank you for your commitment to the Republican Party in Somerset County. Please continue to stay engaged with the SCRO as we move on as a unified party into the general election to defeat Democrats.

Congratulations to all our SCRO-endorsed candidates who were victorious last night in contested races:
US Senate: Curtis Bashaw
CD-7 House: Tom Kean
CD-12 House: Darius Mayfield
Manville Borough Council: Joe Lukac and Tina Lazzeri
Warren Township Committee: Dan Croson and Lance Blick
North Plainfield Mayor: Fran Gargano

-Tim Howes, Chairman
Somerset County Republican Organization

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