Spadea Takes Campaign Directly to Voters

Spadea Takes Campaign Directly to Voters

Will Take Page Out of Trump Playbook and Bypass Inefficient & Outdated Process

New Jersey – Today, on the morning of his first Town Hall meeting in Cape May County, Bill Spadea announced that he will continue taking his campaign message directly to New Jersey’s voters and will bypass the inefficient and outdated county party convention process.

“For decades, candidates for office have followed the orders of party bosses and abided by the convention process because the ‘County Line’ impacted the outcome of elections and required it. With the elimination of the county line, and seeing how President Trump successfully took his message directly to voters, that’s no longer the case,” said Spadea. “Our campaign is proudly continuing to take our message directly to voters by expanding our packed local event schedule to add a series of Town Hall meetings throughout the state.”

Spadea’s first campaign Town Hall is tonight, February 3rd, beginning at 6pm. The campaign’s Town Hall meetings are open to the public and to the media. Media personnel are kindly requested to RSVP to The next two Town Hall meetings will be on February 13th in Monmouth County and March 1st in Bergen County. Additional dates and locations will be announced in the coming days.

Spadea concluded, “If Republicans want to win again in New Jersey we need to stop using the old playbook and recognize the new reality. Like President Trump did nationally, Republicans in New Jersey need to go to where voters are, expand the tent and bring new voters into the party. We’re proud to be leading the way and doing just that.”

Bill Spadea is one of New Jersey’s leading media personalities, a Marine, an entrepreneur, and a proud supporter of President Trump since the day he launched his campaign in 2015. Bill and his wife, Jodi, reside in Mercer County where they raised their two children. They have spent the last several years crisscrossing the state of New Jersey listening to the concerns of the state’s residents. To learn more about Bill or his campaign, visit 




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