Spango, Fishman and Bardi Statement

Let’s set the record straight – in both the November General Election and this past Primary in June the Roseland Democrats DID NOT have any back door, secret, non-transparent agreement regarding lawn signs. (That’s usually how the Republicans in town run government)
We are very proud that we ran a positive, issue-oriented campaign in the primary. We are concerned that all six Republicans who are running against us in the General Election in November have made lawn signs their first issue.  All six registered Republicans are more worried about lawn signs then lowering taxes, creating a transparent government, or stopping the expansion of the Compressor station in town.
It's also interesting that in 2016, none of these Republicans made any stink about the "Donald Trump for President" signs that adorned many houses in our borough.
We are proud that well over 100 Roseland families agreed to support our candidacy by displaying our Spango, Fishman and Freda lawn signs in June.
Going door to door, talking face to face with voters, and asking for their support to place a sign on their front lawn is very hard work that takes time and dedication - the same time and dedication needed to change our government for the better. We are surprised the Republicans are not willing to work hard; it says a lot about their candidacies.  Roseland needs elected officials who are willing to work hard to get the job done, so that families are proud to raise their children in Roseland.
Lawn Signs are not going to make the difference, but WE WILL AGREE to not put up any Spango, Fishman and Freda lawn signs.  We also issue a challenge to all 6 Republicans to agree to participate in at least three public forums - moderated by the local media, including The Progress, TAPInto, The Star-Ledger and others - so Roseland’s residents can hear real issues being debated. There is a movement in town, a movement away from this tainted, Republican-led government. Roseland needs change – not the kind of change that six candidates from the same Republican Party who led us into this mess can bring, but real change that the Spango, Fishman, Freda team will deliver.

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