Speaker Coughlin Statement on Senate President Sweeney’s NJEA Proposals

Speaker Coughlin Statement on Senate President Sweeney’s NJEA Proposals
(TRENTON) – Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin (D-Middlesex) issued the following statement in response to Senate President Steve Sweeney’s announcement regarding his proposals to reduce health care costs for New Jersey Education Association members:
““For the past year, I have worked with Senate President Sweeney, the NJEA and the Governor’s office respectively to come to an agreement that cuts healthcare costs in order to put our state on a more fiscally responsible path and is fair to teachers and support staff.
“After urging the Senate president and NJEA leadership to meet last year, I am pleased that Senate President Sweeney has followed through on the work I began in negotiating an agreement that appears to have accomplished the goals I set out one year ago.
“While the Assembly will review this legislation as thoroughly as we review any other, I am confident that today marks yet another important step in my efforts to create long-term fiscal savings for New Jersey’s taxpayers.”