Speight and Brondell Inc. Announce Joint Effort to Help Newark Residents in Need of Home Water Filtration

Speight and Brondell Inc. Announce Joint Effort to Help Newark Residents in Need of Home Water Filtration


(TRENTON) – Assemblywoman Shanique Speight (D-Essex) will join Brondell, Inc. president Steven Scheer on Thursday to announce the home products company’s donation of 2,000 certified home water filtration systems to benefit residents of Newark.

Brondell Inc. is a San Francisco-based home products manufacturer specializing in high-tech air and water filtration mechanisms. The filters will be distributed through the local nonprofit Happy Hands and the Illinois-based LaSaint Logistics.

The effort aims to help Newark residents with elevated levels of lead in their home water systems. The event will take place in a Newark neighborhood with homes in need of water filtration.

Speight and Scheer will make the announcement alongside community leaders, clergy members and local families.

The press conference will be at 10 a.m. at Newark Central Ward Community Center at 277 South Orange Avenue in Newark. Questions may be directed to Jermaine James at (862-452-9400) or JJames@njleg.org.

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