Speight Responds to President’s Hateful Rhetoric Towards Congresswomen of Color

Speight Responds to President’s Hateful Rhetoric Towards Congresswomen of Color
(TRENTON) – Assemblywoman Shanique Speight (D-Essex) released the following statement after joining her colleagues in the Legislative Black Caucus at a press conference to address hateful remarks made by President Donald Trump against four Democratic Congresswomen:
“The fact that our president – the leader of the free world – would make such hateful comments towards duly elected Congresswomen demeans the very fabric of our democracy. As president, his behavior undoubtedly influences others to act in hate, and we cannot and will not let this breed of hatred spread.
“He may be president, but he’s no leader. His messaging does not reflect our American values that this country was built upon. The four brave Congresswomen that have been subjected to his immature bullying – Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – are working every day to uphold those values.
“I stand with my sisters in Congress to fight for what’s right. Freedom, tolerance and love are always right.”