Spiribam IG Live Tonight With Nick Tango, NJ-Based COVID 19 Survivor

For this week's Spiribam T'Punch Tuesday, join Kiowa Bryan, US National Marketing Director for Spiribam (Rhum Clement, Rhum JM, Bounty, Chairman's, etc.) on Instagram LIVE @rhummuffin to learn about Nick TangoSpiribam's Mid-Atlantic Market Manager, as they host a virtual happy hour and speak candidly about Nick’s experience being amongst the first cases of COVID 19 in New Jersey. They will be exploring how he contracted the virus at a large industry event in NYC, his experience with doctors and hospitals (there were quite a few), what he was instructed to do, and how it affected his wife and his life.

Join IG Live @ 7PM ET tonight on @rhummuffin. Feel free to bring a cocktail and ask any and all questions you may have about Nick's experience!


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