Stanfield, Peters ask for community support for sleep out for homeless

Stanfield, Peters ask for community support for sleep out for homeless
LUMBERTON - Assemblywoman Jean Stanfield and Assemblyman Ryan Peters will be spending a night in their office parking lot along Route 541 in Lumberton to raise money and awareness for homeless youth.
The legislators and their district office team accepted the Covenant House challenge to spend a night sleeping outside as an act of solidarity with the 4.2 million homeless youth in America. The sleep out will be held on Friday, March 19.
“We could never begin to understand how debilitating it is to experience homelessness, and one night spent outside isn’t going to do that. What we can do is show support and get the community behind a cause that we think is really important,” Stanfield said.
Since launching their fundraising page on Tuesday, the 8th District team has raised nearly $5,000 for Covenant House with a week to go. Funds will go directly to Covenant House and its mission to help youth who have suffered from abuse, neglect, abandonment, homelessness and human trafficking.
“Homelessness was a huge problem before the pandemic and has only gotten much worse. Nonprofits like Covenant House, which does such fantastic work, need our support now more than ever. Our motto in our office has always been, whatever we can do to help,” Peters said.
The Sleep Out fulfills Stanfield and Peters’ pledge to do a day of service every month. This will celebrate the one-year anniversary since they started that pledge. The two, along with their district staff, have painted and stocked a domestic violence safe house, provided more than 1000 free meals for seniors, gleaned hundreds of pounds of produce from farms for food pantries, collected diapers for women and infants in need and much more.
To help support them on their Sleep Out, you can visit their team page at