Stanfield-Peters campaign condemns racist attack mailer; call on opponents to disavow Camden-linked Super PAC

Mount Holly, NJ - Today, Stanfield-Peters campaign condemned the racist attack mailer sent out by the Camden Democrat-backed General Majority PAC, and challenged their opponents - hand-picked puppets of those behind the PAC - to publicly denounce the mailer and disavow future support from the PAC.
The mailer, which depicts African-American LD1 Assembly Candidate Antwan McClellan as “deadbeat” next to a picture where McClellan’s complexion is darkened and placed in an Aunt Jemima/Uncle Ben-style circle. The story is picking up attention in the state’s southernmost district.
“The racist campaign mailer sent out by the General Majority PAC shows more of the same dirty smears from the special interest group that is also financing Gina LaPlaca and Mark Natale in the 8th District Assembly race.” Campaign Manager Angelo Lamberto added.
General Majority PAC is led by Political Boss George Norcross and Senate President Steve Sweeney, who will be spending millions in funding to buy Gina LaPlaca and Mark Natale’s votes in Trenton.
“Gina LaPlaca and Mark Natale must disavow General Majority and pledge to the residents of the 8th District that they disavow any more assistance from this race-baiting PAC” continued Lamberto.
This isn’t the only mailer to go out by this PAC in the 2019 election. The Norcross-Sweeney led special interest group recently sent two deceitful mailers out attacking Former Burlington County Sheriff Jean Stanfield and Navy SEAL Commander Ryan Peters.
“Both Jean Stanfield and Ryan Peters are more credible on gun safety than a Trenton lobbyist and Corporate lawyer. As Sheriff, Stanfield organized a massive gun buyback that NRA proponents opposed while Assemblyman Peters supports universal background checks and has a moderate record on guns.” Lamberto said.