Statement of Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal On Google Anti-trust Investigation

Statement of Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal
On Google Anti-trust Investigation
Today it was announced that a bipartisan group of attorneys general, including New Jersey, have opened a multi-state investigation into allegations of anti-competitive conduct by Google in the market for internet advertising.
New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal issued the following statement about the investigation:
“Technology companies like Google exert incredible influence and power over our daily lives. Whether it's checking the news, preparing a report for work, or even planning the details of a family vacation, we rely on big tech for information, and they use our usage behavior to monetize their businesses. How they acquire and exert their power and influence on our behaviors should be subject to public scrutiny; and no company is too big or too powerful to avoid it. That’s why we’ve joined a broad coalition of 50 attorneys general who are examining anti-competitive conduct in big tech.”