Statement from Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco COVID-19 Presumed Positive Test-Bergen County

“As I stated yesterday in my press conference " we know the COVID-19 virus will happen in New Jersey and if it should happen in Bergen County we will be prepared and ready" now that a presumed positive test result has occurred here in Bergen County I have been in contact with Mayor Sokolich and have offered the full support of county government. Our Bergen County Health Officer has been in contact with the local health officer offering any assistance they made need. I have been in contact with the Governor Phil Murphy’s office and will continue to do so. As more information is gathered we will work with our local municipal partners to get it out to the public. Again, Bergen County, through its Office of Emergency Management, Health Department and other county agencies, are prepared and are taking all appropriate action to address the situation despite the very low risk COVID-19 poses to the general public.
Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco