Statement from Choose New Jersey Leadership President Lozano on Glover Appointment to Lead Newark Alliance


Statement from Choose New Jersey Leadership President Lozano on

Glover Appointment to Lead Newark Alliance


Princeton, NJ – The following is a statement from Choose New Jersey President & CEO Jose Lozano regarding today’s vote by the Newark Alliance to appoint Aisha Glover as the new President & CEO.


“In my time leading Choose New Jersey, I have come to have a true appreciation for Aisha’s effort and commitment as the President and CEO of the Newark Community Economic Development Corporation. It’s clear that her leadership was a key factor in Newark’s bid for the Amazon HQ2 to make the top 20 out of hundreds of other cities’ proposals.  


“Her hard work and experience served the City well during that endeavor, and her leadership at the Newark Alliance will continue to be a tremendous asset to the community as we work together to bring new and innovative businesses to the City of Newark.”




About Choose New Jersey

Choose New Jersey, Inc. is a privately funded non-profit economic development organization charged with encouraging and nurturing economic growth throughout New Jersey. The organization offers companies that locate or expand their operations in the State a variety of complimentary services including market intelligence, site visits, State assistance information and connections to a wide range of public and private professional services. For more information, visit

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