Statement from Commissioner Cappelli regarding the invasion of the U.S. Capitol

“This is a day that will live in infamy in American history. A rabid mob has overtaken Capitol Police, led by confederate flags, and has stormed the U.S. Capitol. The Vice President of the United States has been evacuated and legislators are locked down or have been evacuated from the building. The Capitol Building has been breached and invaded by a violent, lawless horde that is reminiscent of the British burning down the White House and the Capitol in 1814. I’m stunned by what I am seeing, and I believe this is an ongoing national tragedy that has been instigated and exasperated by Donald J. Trump. This is a historic and sad day in our nation’s history, when following hundreds of years of a peaceful transfer of power, we are watching chaos ensue. Make no mistake, we are watching a fight for the vision of our forefathers, one that hundreds of thousands of Americans have died protecting. The U.S. Constitution, carefully crafted in 1789, created the guiderails for good governance and today, an armed mob is trying to shred it. While I watch this mob pose for pictures on the floor of the U.S. Senate I can only pray for the safety of our legislators and law enforcement inside and outside the building.

Everyone that has enabled Trump over the last four years has created a crisis in our U.S. Capitol and has undermined our democracy. I believe it is up to all of us to not buy into the hate that is fueling this mob and has been spewed by Trump. As a nation we need to move forward and never allow an autocrat to ever hold the top job again. Make no mistake, these events are, ultimately and sadly, directly related to four years of conspiracy theories, lies and fabrications. These actions transcend political parties because no matter what party you belong to the actions that we are all watching is nothing short of anarchy.”

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