Statement from CWA State Director Hetty Rosenstein on Gov Murphy’s Budget Address

Statement from CWA State Director Hetty Rosenstein on Gov Murphy’s Budget Address:

“Once again, it appears that Governor Phil Murphy is introducing a responsible, progressive and pro-working families budget. The Governor struck precisely the right tone in these troubled times – whether it’s his call for fair taxes, the full pension payment, baby bonds, or much-needed investments in a green economy, childcare, housing and racial justice. Dealing with Covid-19 and the pandemic’s resulting economic turmoil desperately requires sound economic-and-science based leadership from both the federal and state government. Thank goodness we have a governor with the right priorities, unlike what New Jersey was subjected to during eight long years of Chris Christie at the helm. Today, Governor Murphy – much like Vice President Joe Biden – is following the path of FDR by focusing on the needs of working families, rather than speaking in knee-jerk, cookie-cutter austerity gibberish that protects multi-millionaires and corporations, while implementing cuts to families, children, seniors and services. That is the last thing New Jersey needs at this critical moment in history. We need our state legislature to work collaboratively Governor Murphy to cooperatively pass the type of responsible budget laid out this morning. And we need the United States Congress to pass the Heroes Act.”

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