Statement of Debbie White, President On the hiring of the next President/CEO of University Hospital

The Freeholder fight unites more than it delights.

Statement of Debbie White, President

On the hiring of the next President/CEO of University Hospital

 Over the last few months, University Hospital has righted course in a new direction. As the only public hospital in New Jersey, University Hospital should be recognized for its role as a level one trauma center, premier teaching hospital and a leading healthcare institution in our state. The Governor’s executive order to appoint a monitor, resulted in a report that found systemic problems while making recommendations that will help to restore the hospital’s ability to provide quality care; cutting edge services and research; and to play an integral role in the community by honoring its mission to serve the needs of the community above all else.

As health professionals, we applaud the efforts of Judith Persichilli, who was initially appointed as the Hospital Monitor and then appointed as the interim President/CEO of the hospital.  Her term is set to expire, yet during her short term she has attempted to steer the hospital in the right direction. We understand there are complex challenges that make this task difficult, which is why the Board of Directors must hire a candidate who is committed to continuing the work that has begun, and someone who is willing to work with the staff and the community to find solutions and set a clear path forward.

The next President/CEO must understand the history of the hospital and the community surrounding the hospital, a predominantly black and Latino community who already face health challenges due to inherit racial disparities in our nation’s health system. The failure and the threat to reduce or privatize services will only go further to perpetuate those disparities.

A new leader of University Hospital must value the hospital as a public institution that provides quality care and is valued as a resource for the entire community. As frontline caregivers, HPAE members will continue to advocate alongside community members to assure patients that their safety and access to care will remain a priority and demand the President/CEO, Board of Directors and Trenton lawmakers fulfill their commitment to fully invest in University Hospital.

HPAE is the largest union of registered nurses and health care professionals in New Jersey. Since its founding by Englewood Hospital nurses in 1974, HPAE has expanded across the state and into Southeastern Pennsylvania representing 13,000 nurses, social workers, therapists, technicians, medical researchers, and other health care professionals in hospitals, nursing homes, home care agencies, blood banks, and university research facilities.  HPAE is affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO.


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