Statement By Demetrius Terry On Jersey City Payroll Tax
Statement from Demetrius Terry on Jersey City payroll tax:
"Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 20th, 2018 the Jersey City Municipal Council will vote on a measure to impose a “Payroll Tax” to help fund our public schools. While I fully understand schools may need more funding, we should look at other alternatives first such as cutting wasteful spending. As Jersey City continues to rise, we have to be business friendly and not hurt our small business owners. How is it fair to tax a small business owner because their employee(s) is not a city resident? I welcome everyone into our city and we can do better. I fully support all children in Jersey City and our businesses as well. It’s sad when we have to put one against another.
We can’t tax our way to a better city and I strongly oppose this payroll tax which will have a negative impact on Jersey City’s economy especially our small businesses on the South side of Jersey City."
Demetrius M. Terry
Executive Director Jersey City Health and Public Safety Coalition