Statement from Freeholder Cappelli in regard to workers on the front lines of coronavirus

Te statement below is by Camden County Freeholder Director Louis Cappelli, Jr., in regard to workers on the front lines of coronavirus.
“In recent weeks we have had to ask workers across Camden County to take on a new role as we fight the coronavirus and support the large swath of residents who are spending their days at home. To the workers on the front lines of the fight against coronavirus, from grocery stores to gas stations, in the halls of hospitals and the drivers’ seats of ambulances, you are heroes in every sense of the word. The Freeholder Board and our entire community is so incredibly thankful for your selfless contributions.
This fight is a long way from over, but to everyone who is working to keep others safe, to keep others fed, or to keep others going, we want to send our sincerest thanks. The world will not forget the sacrifices you are making for the benefit others.”