Statement from Mayor Barberio on Public Safety


Statement from Mayor Barberio on Public Safety

PARSIPPANY NJ-March 3rd, 2025

As your Mayor, nothing is more important to me than the health and safety of our residents.  In our form of government, the Mayor also serves as the Director of the Police Department. When I took office in 2022, the number of police officers in Parsippany was at historic lows and my predecessor discontinued the Traffic Division.  Not surprisingly, crime was on the rise. That is why I increased the number of police officers on the beat by twenty police officers since becoming Mayor in 2022. Today, our Traffic Division has been restored and consists of six police officers whose sole job is to enforce our traffic laws to protect the public. Crime is down in Parsippany!

This past week, my opponent Councilman Justin Musella, publicized his plan to prioritize pedestrian safety, enhance traffic enforcement and restore transparency and accountability within our police department. His plan is simply HYPOCRISY at its finest. Councilman Musella was the ONLY councilperson who voted to DEFUND Parsippany’s Law and Public Safety. Musella also suggested that crime is on the rise in Parsippany. Once again, Musella is LYING!  Councilman Musella had his chance to make Parsippany safe again, but he chose to play politics with our safety instead for his own political benefit.

According to the crime statistics from the NJ STATE POLICE (see below) crime is down across the board here in Parsippany.


  1. Motor vehicle thefts have DECREASED in Parsippany – down 21.74% from 2022 – 2023 and down an additional 25% from 2023- 2024.
  2. Crimes against property have DECREASESD in Parsippany – down 2.24% from 2022 – 2023 and down an additional 14.55% from 2023 – 2024.


Regarding Motor Vehicle statistics, please note the dramatic increases in stops and summons since I reinstated the Traffic Division.


  1. Vehicle stops
  1. 2022 – 3,937
  2. 2023 – 7,244 (there would have been one less had Musella not been stopped for speeding 20mph over the speed limit.)
  3. 2024 – 18,600


  1. Summons issued
  2. 2022 – 2,005
  3. 2023 – 3,397
  4. 2024 – 10,949

Our police department does an excellent job serving and protecting our community. There is a direct correlation between the amount of investment we make in maintaining a full police force based on recommended guidelines and not doing so.  Unfortunately, Musella voted each year to defund the police by not voting for the budget.   That might sell in San Francisco, but not here in Parsippany.  As long as I’m Mayor, we will continue to make appropriate investments in public safety by investing in the resources necessary to enforce the law – and that means more police officers who are deployable in our neighborhoods to catch speeders and criminals: and to deter criminal activity.

In 2017, Parsippany took a chance on an unknown inexperienced candidate who made a good first impression.  The result was a disaster for Parsippany.  Musella may make a good first impression, but, as Vice President of the Board of Education, Andy Choffo, who supported Musella, but now supports me, said about Musella: “There was a shiny new object that warranted attention.  However, as I scratched the surface, I began to see that beyond the shiny exterior, there was not much substance behind it.”

Let’s not make the mistake of voting for an unqualified candidate who lies to you again. Vote for Proven Leadership for Parsippany’s Future.  On June 10th, VOTE Team Barberio.




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