Statement from the Mount Holly Democratic Chair on Recent Attack Against Young Resident


October 13, 2024

Statement from the Mount Holly Democratic Chair on Recent Attack Against Young Resident

Mount Holly, NJ – The recent public attack on one of Mount Holly’s young residents is a disturbing and unacceptable attempt to gain political points at the expense of an individual in our community. This egregious behavior does not reflect the values of our town, and as the Chair of the Mount Holly Democratic Party, I feel it is my duty to publicly condemn this act.

I have spoken directly with the Republican Party Chair, who vehemently denied having any involvement in this incident. He expressed his disgust and has committed to publicly denouncing this behavior as well. I call on him, @Jim Logue, to stand by this promise and make a public statement rejecting this vile act. It is essential that we, as leaders, stand together in rejecting hate and division, regardless of party affiliation.

Mount Holly is a community built on inclusivity, resilience, and compassion. Many of us come from marginalized backgrounds, and our shared experiences have shaped a town rooted in unity and good heart. The hateful actions seen recently are not representative of the Mount Holly we know and love.

We believe this attack may have been orchestrated by an outside operative attempting to stir division and ignite a political war. However, let me be clear: we will not allow this to happen. Our town will not be drawn into a cycle of hate and negativity. We stand united in our resolve to protect the dignity and respect of every Mount Holly resident.

We urge the community to remain vigilant, compassionate, and strong in the face of these attempts to divide us. Hate has no place here.

For media inquiries, please contact:
Casey N. Carty
Mount Holly Democratic Chair

Healthy Regards,

Casey N. Carty
Mount Holly Democratic Committee

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