Statement from US Senate Candidate Fred Schneiderman

My fellow Republicans,

I write this letter to inform my fellow New Jersey Republicans that I will not be filing at this time with the requisite documents in Trenton to be the next Republican Senator from New Jersey which requires all candidates to file by today 3/25/24. I want to thank all that supported me and all the folks that encouraged me to continue towards a primary victory.

After participating for the Bergen County Line after only several weeks of campaigning (as opposed to others that have campaigned in the county for months), I received a heathy vote count. Without obtaining the majority vote, I would therefore not have the Bergen County Line, and the road to a primary victory would be challenging.

Should Andy Kim, a Democratic Senatorial candidate succeed in his lawsuit that he desires to abolish the “line”, and the primary is postponed along with the filing deadline, I along with my team with evaluate the next best steps.

In the meantime, as the country is in peril with our current leadership, I’ve been approached and have met with several leaders of New Jersey’s Republican Organizations. The importance of a cohesive non-divisive Republican strategy will only enhance the probability to obtain a Republican elected positions in New Jersey.

Therefore, after many hours of meetings and discussions occurring, I have agreed to work closely with the New Jersy Republican Chairman Association to benefit ALL 21 counties in the state. The Chairman, Mr. Jose Arango and I have had in-depth discussions about becoming a prominent figure in the organization, as together we believe we can work in concert with all New Jersey Republican groups to take back our nation, state, and counties from the abyss.



Fred Schneiderman

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