Statement from Governor Murphy on the Need for a $15/Hour Minimum Wage

Carl Golden, senior contributing analyst with the William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy at Stockton University, discusses how the report of the committee investigating Al Alvarez's appointment to the School Development Authority shows that Gov. Phil Murphy's staff was more concerned with avoiding a public disclosure of the accusations rather than seeking the truth and acting decisively on it.
Statement from Governor Murphy
on the Need for a $15/Hour Minimum Wage
As we celebrate the start of a new year, New Jersey’s minimum wage workers are getting a 25 cents an hour raise to $8.85 an hour.

But this raise isn’t worth celebrating. For a full-time worker, that raise will amount to only $500 more across the entire year – $2 a day – not enough to lift them or their family from poverty, and not enough to spur economic growth.

I have been working with the Legislature to raise the minimum wage statewide to $15 an hour and hope we will be able to get this done early in the new year. When we do, our working families will have a 2019 worth celebrating.

(Visited: 2 times)

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