Statement by Governor Murphy on Recent Domestic Terrorist Attacks

Statement by Governor Murphy on Recent Domestic Terrorist Attacks
"Within a mere 12-hour span, and 1,500 miles apart, we saw the horrible impacts of powerful weapons too easily ending up in the wrong hands. The domestic terrorist attacks in El Paso and Dayton, and last week's attack in Gilroy, California, ought to be the wake-up calls to pull our national leaders out of the gun lobby's trance. Sadly, however, all we hear is the cliched refrains of 'thoughts and prayers.' It is past time for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to put commonsense House-passed gun safety legislation up for a vote in the United States Senate. Over the past 18 months, we have taken tremendous strides to end the crisis of gun violence in our state, but we cannot have these advances undone by continued inaction and deflection at the national level. I am proud that New Jersey is leading the way in gun safety. It's well past time for Congress to follow. Inaction is inexcusable."