Statement by Governor Phil Murphy on March for Our Lives and Pending Gun Safety Measures in the New Jersey Legislature

Statement by Governor Phil Murphy on March for Our Lives and Pending Gun Safety Measures in the New Jersey Legislature
“The next generation showed that they will not sit quietly, and that they are ready to lead. Their activism inspires me and reaffirms my commitment to making New Jersey a national leader in passing commonsense gun safety laws.
“I am as ready as ever to work with my partners in the Legislature. The Assembly on Monday will be taking important steps, voting on bills to expand background checks, lower magazine capacity, ban armor-piercing bullets, and ensure individuals deemed by a healthcare professional as a threat to themselves or others don’t have access to a gun. I am committed to their ultimate passage, among other measures, so I can sign them into law.
“Today we marched in memory of Parkland. But, we will act in the name of every family and every community in our state that has been touched by gun violence, and the many more who wish to remain safe. The thousands of young people who came together today – and the many adults who joined them – have changed the conversation. We must listen to them and act to ensure a better, safer future for every New Jerseyan.”