Statement from Hackensack Mayor and City Council Calling for Sheriff’s Resignation

Statement from Hackensack Mayor and City Council Calling for Sheriff’s Resignation

Mayor John Labrosse and the Hackensack City Council Members are issuing the following statement.  In addition, Deputy Mayor Dave Simms will be introducing a resolution from the City Council formally demanding Sheriff Saudino’s resignation on Tuesday evening.

“As elected officials representing the City of Hackensack, we reject and repudiate the completely unacceptable and bigoted remarks made by Sheriff Michael Saudino and hereby demand that he resign his office immediately.

We believe that the Sheriff can no longer effectively represent the people of our diverse city and county and that many residents have justifiably lost confidence in his ability to manage the Sheriff’s Office and the Bergen County Jail in a professional and unbiased manner.

The only way to restore public confidence in the county’s public safety operations is for Sheriff Saudino to step down and we call on him to do so today.

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