Statement from Hamilton Council Candidate Vinnie Capodanno in Response to Mayoral Candidate Jeff Martin’s Defense of Sexual Assault

Statement from Hamilton Council Candidate Vinnie Capodanno in Response to Mayoral Candidate Jeff Martin’s Defense of Sexual Assault  


Capodanno is a Gold Star nephew.  His uncle was a Marine Corps Chaplin during Viet Nam, who went into war zones to administer last rights to dying soldiers, even disobeying orders not to go into harm’s way, because his uncle sought to aid those about to make the ultimate sacrifice. 

“As a former Democrat, whose uncle earned a Congressional Medal of Honor for his service in Viet Nam, I refuse to allow Jeff Martin to hide behind his excuse of following military orders when he decided to justify a rapist’s actions by saying that it was just one night.”


“No one ordered Jeff Martin to stand in front of a rape victim in court and say that her sexual assault was just one night.  Jeff Marin felt it was ‘OK’ to stand in front of the convicted rapist’s victim and say it was just one night.”


“When Jeff Martin shows poor judgement, his excuse is that he is just following orders.”


“When Governor Murphy, who is funding his campaign, tells Martin what to do as Mayor, will he just follow orders?”


“When Robbinsville Mayor Dave Fried tells Jeff Martin to lower his town’s sewer bill by millions, will he just follow orders?”


“When the Fire Union Bosses, who contributed to his campaign, tell Jeff Martin to raise our fire taxes, will he just follow orders?”


“Being Mayor is about not being afraid to say ‘no’ when it counts; and Jeff Martin has clearly demonstrated, issue after issue, that he will simply follow the  orders of those who tell him what to do.”


“We need a Mayor who represents our Hamilton values an stands up for them when it counts.  We don’t need a Mayor who just follows orders.”

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