Statement of Jerry Scanlan to the Sussex County Republican Committee.

To the Sussex County Republican Committee:


I take full responsibility for the Sussex County GOP Twitter account. I had total control over the account. My goal was simply to build up our account for ourselves as well as in support of the President and his re-election. To do this, I re-tweeted what are known as “Trains”, which include other accounts looking to achieve the same objective, often including a meme/picture/video. Over the last six months, our following has grown to more than 22K followers with me retweeting about 20K times and rarely posting original content none of which is being questioned. Frequently, content on twitter can be personally off color and inappropriate which I avoid because it is not what I or any of us believe or stand for. It appears that on a few occasions, I was not thorough enough in reading/viewing what I re-tweeted.


Anyone who knows me knows that I do not harbor negative feelings or hate towards anyone regardless of Religion/Sex/Race/Political Affiliation or anything. The diversity of our nation is its strength. My intent in building this account was solely altruistic for the benefit of all of us. Regardless, I have been accused of being many things by people who do not know me.


The level of heat in politics is very high these days. Terrible things are said about the President, about Republicans, about traditional values, each and every day. There are always opportunities to respond to those attacks using appropriate language.


Some of the controversial retweets I acknowledge – like the one concerning the “Jihad Squad” – but others I do not recall ever seeing and do not reflect my thoughts, although if they were on my Twitter account, then I do take responsibility for them.


What I can say, is that I made human errors of judgment, for which I apologize and can assure you that processes are currently being developed to prevent these unfortunate mistakes from happening again.  I ask for your forgiveness. 


Thank you



Jerry Scanlan

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