Statement From Kristin Corrado on the call for Unity By Traier and DiGaetano

Statement From Kristin Corrado on the call for Unity By Traier and DiGaetano

June  12, 2017

It’s great to hear  that the chairmen of the Bergen and Passaic Republican organizations are now calling for unity, but if unity were the true objective, it could have been achieved long BEFORE, the Primary Election campaign got underway. You don’t achieve unity by talking about it. Unity is achieved by leadership and action.  A true call for unity would have started with an actual phone call from both chairmen to myself and running mates.  That didn’t happen.  These chairmen have failed our party.  A chairman should never use party resources for his own purposes as Mr. DiGaetano did in his Senate run and a chairman should never work against his candidates as Traier did by forming a secondary freeholder slate to assist DiGaetano.

Currently my runningmates and I are reaching out to our fellow  Republicans in a call for genuine  unity. We will rally Republicans around the issues that are most important to people — issues such as property taxes, school funding and affordable housing mandates. We will work with all Republicans  who share our concern about the issues and who are committed to winning elections in the fall. Our objective is to win in November –and to help others win —  and then to serve the people we represent to the best of our abilities.

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