Statement from Mercer County Deputy Clerk and Trenton Mayoral Candidate Walker Worthy on Women’s History Month

Statement from Mercer County Deputy Clerk and Trenton Mayoral Candidate Walker Worthy on Women’s History Month:

“March is Women’s History Month, an important time every year, a chance to reflect on where we have come as a society, and how far we still have to go. Yesterday was International Women’s Day, which marks a call to action for accelerating gender equality, especially in regard to social treatment and income equality. International Women’s Day, and all of March, is a chance to honor women, past and present, whose contributions to society through activism, scientific, literary, political, and other accomplishments have opened doors to women as well as men everywhere.

I am appreciative of the women in my life who have always supported me, especially my mother, Jerlene “Cookie” Worthy, who instilled in the me the values of equality and respect for all people, and as well as my sister Shilda, who is a wonderful friend and mentor.

I pledge to always support gender equality, as a private citizen, and–if given the opportunity–as Mayor. Happy Women’s History Month to all women everywhere!”

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