Statement from NJBIA President and CEO Michele Siekerka on Passage of Federal Spending Bill Impacting the Gateway Tunnel Project

Statement from NJBIA President and CEO Michele Siekerka on Passage of Federal Spending Bill Impacting the Gateway Tunnel Project


“NJBIA thanks New Jersey’s Congressional delegation for its strong advocacy on federal funding for the Gateway project. With the federal spending bill now signed, this national infrastructure project, which is so essential to both the regional and national economy, could receive approximately $540 million that would help get construction started on the infrastructure project.


“As stated in an op-ed by NJBIA and other New Jersey business groups and labor unions on Monday, the start and completion of the Gateway project is paramount for our competitiveness, economic development, job creation and quality of life. NJBIA will continue to be vigilant for the allocation of this funding toward the project and offer continued support for federal funding to see the project through.

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