Statement from Passaic County Democratic Chairman John Currie and State Legislators Representing the Cities of Paterson and Passaic on Anti-Semitic Remarks Made by Paterson Councilman Michael Jackson 

Political Parties: Currie, emblem of one half of NJ's main political parties.

Statement from Passaic County Democratic Chairman John Currie and State Legislators Representing the Cities of Paterson and Passaic on Anti-Semitic Remarks Made by Paterson Councilman Michael Jackson 

PATERSON, N.J. -- Speaking at a public council meeting Tuesday evening, Paterson Councilman Michael Jackson used the derogatory and anti-Semitic phrase “Jew us down” in addressing businessmen talking about the value of property slated for redevelopment.  New Jersey Democratic State Committee and Passaic County Democratic Chairman John Currie along with legislative representatives from Paterson and Passaic City today released the following statement on this Anti-Semitic comment: 

“I am proud of New Jersey’s, and my home county of Passaic’s, record on inclusion and diversity.  Divisive language like this pushes us back in time and tears back the progress we have made to build a state and nation that embraces the principles of equality and justice,” said Chairman John Currie. “Councilman Jackson’s comments are inexcusable; members of Paterson’s City Council should stand together and censure him immediately.”

Assemblyman Gary Schaer (D-Passaic) said: “Councilman Jackson’s remarks were unacceptable by any standard.  I condemn his hate speech wholeheartedly, especially coming from an elected official representing one of the most diverse cities in New Jersey.  We should all stand together as one community against targeted and hateful speech.  Words have consequences, and those who hold elected office must be held to a higher standard.  I appreciate Mayor Sayegh, Councilman Abdelaziz, and all those officials who immediately denounced Mr. Jackson’s comments.”

“Councilman Jackson’s comments send the wrong message to our entire community, especially our children and young adults,” stated Assemblyman Benjie Wimberly.  "Any hate speech directed towards any segment of our community is an attack on us all.”

I am thankful that members of our city council and city officials immediately condemned Councilman Jackson's poor selection of words.  We need to show genuine respect for each other at all times and put hateful and divisive rhetoric to the side so that we can all work together," said Assemblywoman Shavonda Sumter.

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