Statement from the Problem Solvers Caucus Co-Chairs Tom Reed (NY-23) & Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) on Potential Stimulus Breakthrough

Statement from the Problem Solvers Caucus Co-Chairs Tom Reed (NY-23) & Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) on Potential Stimulus Breakthrough


“We’ve worked for months with both Congressional leadership and the White House to build consensus around a bipartisan, commonsense solution to the economic and public health challenges facing our country. Just a few weeks back, the bipartisan framework that the Problem Solvers Caucus unveiled helped restart negotiations. Now that the negotiators are back at the table, let’s get a bipartisan deal across the finish line. We must not quit on the American people. We are in the middle of a health and economic crisis, and there is simply far too much on the line — from our families, small businesses and jobs, to our health and safety, schools, and communities. Let’s do what’s right for the American people and get a bipartisan deal done.



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