Statement Regarding Trump Remarks from Former Assemblyman John Wisniewski
Statement Regarding Trump Remarks from Former Assemblyman John Wisniewski
“President Trump again demonstrated his unfitness for office today by telling a group of Democratic Congresswoman of color to go back to the ‘broken crime infested places from which they came.’ Other than Native Americans, we all came from someplace else. The only significant differences between almost all of us is how far back and under what circumstances our ancestors originally came to the United States.
As a nation whose national welcome mat beckons ‘give me your tired, your poor huddled masses yearning to breathe free’, President Trump’s words about these Democratic Congresswomen figuratively and perhaps literally yank that welcome mat away and replaces it with “go away.”
This is yet another example of a President who is unfit for the high office he holds and the danger he represents to the United States.”
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