Statement from Republican US Senate Candidate Gary Rich
For Immediate Release
January 25, 2020
Lincroft New Jersey
While speaking with supporters at the Jersey Shore Home show at Brookdale College, Republican Candidate for US Senate Gary Rich made the following comments:
“I was happy to see the President's team come out swinging this morning. It's bad enough to have a fake news media broadcasting propaganda, but now the public knows exactly how much Adam Schiff lies and how hard the Democrats are trying to mislead the public.”
“I’ll be happy when this impeachment circus is over and we can focus the government on doing the business of the American people. The president has laid out an agenda that will ensure peace and prosperity for generations to come. All it takes is the commitment of our representatives to put it into place.”
Currently, New Jersey is not represented in the US Senate. Our valuable seats are held hostage by the Democrat party and occupied by Bob Menendez, who is only interested only in his own self-preservation Cory Booker, who has been AWOL since he first went to Washington.
“I want to work for the agenda championed by President Trump and bring New Jersey’s support to the US Senate”
About Gary Rich:
Gary Rich is a former Freeholder from Monmouth County seeking the Republican nomination to challenge Cory Booker for the office of US Senator in 2020.
As a Freeholder from Monmouth County (which has actually reduced taxes while increasing services), Gary RIch showed that responsible conservative principles are the best guidelines to manage government. It's time t send that experience to Washington.
Former Freeholder Gary Rich, a resident of Spring Lake, began his career as a school teacher working at St. Rose in Belmar, Freehold Borough Middle School and Marlboro Middle School. In 1979, he left teaching and began working for several major corporations in the computer business, becoming President of Atlantic Systems.gary
Gary began his political career in 1980 when he was elected to the council in South Belmar, which today is known as Lake Como. After moving to Spring Lake, he was elected to the Borough Council where he served for three terms.
Mr. Rich served on the Spring Lake finance committee for several years helping Spring Lake avoid tax increases and increases in the municipal budget. This effort was accomplished while maintaining a superb level of public services and rebuilding an aging infrastructure that had a 100-year-old water and sewer system. Additionally, as a councilman he served on many committees including Public Safety, Traffic Safety, Planning Board, Beach Committee, Board of Health and Water Sewer Advisory Committee.
As a Freeholder he was responsible for the oversight of Finance and Administration, Freeholder Rich oversees those departments that are at the core of Monmouth County government operations and he has focused his tenure in office on delivering strong fiscal management and efficiency in operations to Monmouth County taxpayers.
While serving as Deputy Director, Gary supervised the Board of Taxation, Clerk of the Board, County Administrator, County Counsel, Department of Finance, Division of Purchasing, Human Resources, Information Technology, Insurance and Risk Management.