Statement by Somerset County Republican Chairman Al Gaburo to the "fake news" press release issued by LD 16 democrats
The following is a statement from Chairman Al Gaburo on the LD16 Democratic legislative team's press release (read here):
Statement by Somerset County Republican Chairman Al Gaburo to the "fake news" press release issued by LD 16 democrats
"I guess we all know that it must be after Labor Day and that "silly season" has officially begun. Not only is "team Zwickers'" charge false about republicans "ducking" debate in LD16 but it is a continuation of their effort to distort and outright lie about Sen Bateman, Assemblywoman Simon and Freeholder Caliguire's record. The facts for anyone interested in reporting them are that our team has received dozens of invitations to participate in "forums" and/or "debates" between now and Election Day. Unfortunately, we can't say "yes" to everyone. We are looking forward to contrasting our vision of LD16 with our opponents vision of higher taxes , sanctuary cities, and overdevelopment. The truth is that the LD 16 candidates "debated" in Princeton at the League of Women voters "forum" in each of the last two cycles. Since the legislative district encompasses more than just Princeton, we will be accepting an alternative invitation shortly. In the meantime, and for comedic value, I am recommending that Andrew Zwicker, the self proclaimed "smartest man in the NJ legislature", hold a debate with himself. Since he has taken both sides of issues like minimum wage, taxes and pension issues, it would be fascinating to watch".