Statement from Thomas R. Churchelow, Esq., President, New Jersey Utilities Association on Utility Companies’ Response to COVID-19 Pandemic
“The New Jersey Utilities Association and its 13 member companies continue to closely monitor the rapidly evolving situation related to COVID-19 outbreak. New Jersey’s investor-owned utilities work tirelessly, around the clock, to provide essential water, wastewater, electric, natural gas and telecommunications services to New Jersey residents and businesses. As such, we are working in conjunction with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities to establish and implement COVID-19 preparedness plans to ensure continuity of service and health of customers and employees.
"Additionally, in an effort to keep all New Jersey residents safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, NJUA member companies are suspending shut-offs of electric, gas and water service at this time. NJUA member companies continue to follow guidance issued by the Governor’s Office, the Center for Disease Control and all appropriate state and federal agencies. We will adjust plans as necessary to support employees and protect the customers and communities we serve.”