Statement of Tom Gilbert, Campaign Director for New Jersey Conservation Foundation & ReThink Energy NJ On Today’s Filing by PennEast Pipeline
ReThink Energy NJ has learned that PennEast Pipeline Co., LLC today filed with N.J. Department of Environmental Protection its application for water quality and freshwater wetlands permits needed for construction of its proposed gas pipeline that would cut through parts of Mercer and Hunterdon counties. Approval of these permits is required before construction can begin.
“There is compelling evidence that the PennEast pipeline is not needed, would irreparably harm protected waterways and wildlife, and be inconsistent with New Jersey’s clean energy goals.
“NJDEP has all the evidence it needs to determine that this damaging project can't meet the state's stringent environmental regulations.
“The law is on our side. The facts are on our side. And the science is on our side. This project is not in the public interest.”